As some of you already know, we had some issues with our printer. We received issue two this past Friday and were saddened to see that almost every issue was improperly aligned when printed and had significant cover damage.
We intended to have the issue available mid July, but the printer seems to have extended their turnaround times without notifying us, making the misprints all the more detrimental to our Summer release plan.
It's a pretty big bummer, but honestly we are knee deep in the Autumn issue and we are so damn excited for it, that we're going to turn this lemon into a little lemonade for y'all.
For the next week (until August 12th), we will be letting you download and read the Summer issue for free! On the 12th, it will be $4.00 to purchase, and we still intend on having physical issues available as soon as possible. You can also purchase the first issue as a digital download in the shop! Click the link below to read the second issue!
If you get the digital versions, please feel free to screenshot your favorite parts, share, and tag us!
Hopefully we'll have an update on the physical issues later this week. Thank you all for your patience and support! You have made us feel so loved, you guys are truly amazing!
Much love,
Brian and Virginia Giordano